5 Benefits of Balloon Sinuplasty

Approximately 30 million adults suffer from sinusitis 一 also known as chronic sinus infections 一 each year. Not only do these infections cause facial pain, discomfort, nasal discharge, and facial tenderness, but they also result in nearly 400,000 emergency room visits every year plus billions of dollars in health care expenses and related costs, including missed work days due to illness.
For many people with chronic sinusitis, medication alone just isn’t enough to manage the bothersome symptoms. Board-certified surgeon Dr. Conrad McCutcheon offers a range of treatment options ― including balloon sinuplasty ― right here at Memorial Village Sinus & Hearing in Houston, Texas.
A balloon sinuplasty is a minimally invasive procedure designed to treat chronic sinusitis. During this procedure, Dr. McCutcheon uses a balloon to open up your sinus cavity to provide relief for chronic congestion. Here, we explain five benefits you can expect from the procedure.
1. Balloon sinuplasty doesn’t require any incisions or sutures
Balloon sinuplasty, sometimes referred to as balloon catheter dilation, relies on a catheter to insert a balloon into your nasal cavity rather than an incision. Performed under mild sedation, Dr. McCutcheon guides this small tube, attached to a light and small tools, into your sinuses.
Once in place, he fills a medical-grade balloon. As the balloon inflates, your sinus cavity opens. Before removing the balloon, we gently clean your nasal cavity and drain any mucus buildup.
With this nonsurgical procedure, your downtime is minimal and your risk of post-procedure complications is lower compared to surgical procedures. As a bonus, you don’t have to worry about any incision care afterward, either.
2. You can breathe better
Although you may experience slight congestion in the first week after your balloon sinuplasty, balloon sinuplasty reduces future sinus inflammation. Many patients report freer breathing with a reduction in congestion, sinus pain, and facial tenderness.
3. No hospital stay is required
Balloon sinuplasty is performed right in our office, and it typically takes an hour or two. As an outpatient procedure there’s no hospital stay required, so you can expect to return home the same day to rest and heal. In general, recovery instructions may include:
- Taking any prescribed antibiotics as directed
- Refraining from blowing your nose until we clear you to do so
While you can expect to feel the effects of sedation, such as feeling tired or groggy, our team provides you with detailed care instructions so you can recover comfortably at home following your procedure.
4. Little disruption to your schedule
After a relatively short healing period of about a week, you should notice an improvement in your sinus congestion. You can expect a follow-up shortly after your procedure to ensure your sinus cavity is healing as expected.
Once Dr. McCutcheon gives you the green light to resume your normal schedule, you can pick back up right where you left off. There’s no need for lengthy recoveries or weeks of missed work days.
5. Balloon sinuplasty delivers lasting relief
Perhaps the most alluring benefit, balloon sinuplasty delivers lasting relief without having to go through a painful surgical procedure. While you might feel pressure while undergoing your balloon sinuplasty, the procedure isn’t typically described as painful. And although each case is different, most people experience relief for years after having a balloon sinuplasty.
Experience the benefits for yourself
If you’ve struggled with chronic sinusitis for more than 12 weeks and are plagued by nasal congestion, loss of smell, facial pressure, headaches, and a runny nose, you might consider a balloon sinuplasty for yourself.
To schedule a balloon sinuplasty consultation with Dr. McCutcheon, call Memorial Village Sinus and Hearing at 281-822-3777. You can also request an appointment online.
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